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ActiLingua welcomes Damon from DamonandJo!

Find out what the Travel Youtuber was up to in Vienna

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The ActiLingua Academy was extremely happy to welcome Damon, a young travel vlogger, in the beautiful city of Vienna. On the Youtube channel “DamonandJo”, Damon makes quality content about travelling, languages and exploring different cultures. Along with his friend Jo, Damon inspires over one million subscribers to explore new countries and discover foreign cultures. Damon and Jo are all about adventure, creativity and fun – and we are happy to have been part of Damon’s experience in Vienna.

Damon and Jo regularly provide their loyal fan base with useful tips and tricks on how to successfully master foreign languages. On his blog, Damon wrote an elaborate guide on how to learn German – and we are proud to say that the classes at our ActiLingua Academy are one of his amazing insider tips!

Damon Deutschstunde 1

At the ActiLingua Academy, Damon worked on his German skills in individual one-on-one classes. Of course, he vlogged his language journey in true youtuber-fashion. Check out his vlog and watch Damon learn German with ActiLingua:



Want to learn German like Damon? Then check out our wide array of courses at and read up on our fun, interactive and student-centred approach to teaching. ActiLingua awaits you!