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Travel Reports

Experiencing Vienna

Travel Report - by Iva (English)

"Lessons were full of exercises focused on listening, writing, speaking and reading. We practised as much as possible. The activities were for everyone who wanted to cooparate with other members of group. Each of us got a feedback in every lesson. What was one of the main things is that the teachers adapted lessons for our needs."
Iva, Czech Republic

Travel Report - by Estefania (Spanish)

"Me gustaría comenzar comentando la excelente forma de aprendizaje que proporcionan a sus alumnos, su forma de enseñamiento es totalmente practico y experiencial gracias a las clases de conversación que practicábamos diariamente. Los temas que se ponen en practica son temas totalmente actuales, por ejemplo, temas culturales, de actualidad, tecnología, política y nuevas tendencias. Gracias a estos conceptos pudimos tener conversaciones con la gente local y con nuestros mismos compañeros fuera de clases. "
Estefania, Spain

Travel Report - by Charles (German)

"Schließlich, glaube ich, dass Wien ein tolles Reiseziel ist, um Deutsch zu lernen. Diese Erfahrung war sehr positiv und ich bin mir sicher, dass ich nicht nur meine Kenntnisse verbessert habe, sondern auch meine Mentalität, die jetzt noch reicher und weltoffener geworden ist."
Charles, Italy

Travel Report - by Helena (English)

"Our class was very diverse, with a huge variety in age and nationality and despite these differences, the school provided an inclusive and relaxed environment where it became easy for us to get to know each other, learn together and become friends regardless. It was a unique experience to get to meet so many different people."

Travel Report - by Sabina (Slovak)

"Boli veľmi priateľskí a nápomocní, na hocijakú otázku vedeli reagovať, usmerniť a poradiť, ktorý kurz a variant je pre mňa najlepší."
Sabina, Slovenia

Travel Report - by Onia (Catalan)

"Viena és una ciutat preciosa i molt segura, sempre hi ha molt bon ambient i a les atraccions turístiques no hi ha gaires aglomeracions. Jo personalment, valoro aquesta experiència com a immillorable i sens dubte ho repetiria tantes vegades com pugues!"
Onia, Spain

Student Interview - Viviana (Spanish, English Subtitles)

"Well, the classes here in ActiLingua are great. There is a lot of participation. The teachers are very interactive. They really look after you, they make sure you learn and that your knowledge increases. "
Viviana, Columbia

Student Interview - Chihiro (Japanese, English Subtitles)

"Our teachers are very nice and supportive. I really enjoyed that about my class. It is also interesting since there are students from so many countries."
Chihiro, Japan

A week with ActiLinuga

"I really like ActiLingua because you learn from good teachers and Vienna is a fascinating city. "
Juan Simenez, Colombia

Travel Report - by Misha (English)

"I just want to say that my time at ActiLingua Academy was one of the best times in my life. I managed to improve my German noticeably, make friends and certainly explore the Austrian culture.""
Misha, Czech Republic

Travel Report - by Martin (German)

"Zusätzlich zu meinen positiven Eindrücken von den anderen Studenten muss ich die tollen ActiLingua Lehrer hervorheben, die unsere Gruppendynamik perfekt unterstützt haben. Sie haben mich für meinen weiteren Werdegang als Lehrer inspiriert."

Travel Report - by Yuliya (German)

"Ich hoffe, dass mein Report interessant und hilfreich sein wird, sodass ihr ein paar Insider Tipps bekommt und euch darauf verlassen könnt, dass euer Aufenthalt bei ActiLingua unvergesslich wird."
Yuliya, Ukraine

Travel Report - by Michaela (German)

"Bei ActiLingua lernst du sehr schnell, weil du dich täglich mit der deutschen Sprache auseinandersetzt."

Travel Report - by Tomás (German)

"Wenn du die Sprache lernen möchtest und so viel wie möglich in Wien erleben möchtest, dann ist ActiLingua die beste Wahl!"
Tomas, Czech Republic

Travel Report - by Maria

"My experience from all my classes, was that we had a lot of fun. Almost every lesson we laughed at cultural differences, games that we played and fun experiences that my classmates shared. "

Rapporto di viaggo - di Carlo (Italiano)

"Se volete approfondire il tedesco e passare una vacanza indimenticabile dovete assolutamente iscrivervi ad uno di questi corsi proposti di questi corsi proposti dall’ Actilingua"
Carlo, Italia

Rapporto di viaggo - di Mattia (Italiano)

"Quindi in conclusione vi consiglio caldamente caldamente questa esperienza nella speranza in cui seguire il mio consiglio Buone Vacanze!"
Mattia, Italia

My ActiLinuga

"Austria is wonderful everywhere though. But I am absolutely in love with Austrian mountains: air, sun, feelings.....It's incredible.......I couldn't stop to make photos and was ready to fly...."
Jana Krippel, Russia

Vienna memories - My Experience at Actilingua Language Academy!

"The time I spent at Actilingua Language Academy in Vienna was one of the best in my life. I had so much fun and learned more than I could have imagined. It was an amazing time."
Aamanda Cornwall, USA

Any Questions?