Deutsch mit Sisi. Your German class
Online German with Sisi
“Wie geht es DIR?” [“How are YOU?”] and “ICH freue mich, DICH wiederzusehen!” [“I look forward to seeing YOU again!”]. Personal pronouns are absolutely essential for everyday communication. And as you’ll see, they’re not tricky in the least when our teacher explains them to you.
“Haben” [“To have”] and “sein” [“to be”] are the two most important verbs in German. If you know them, you have the ability to say all sorts of things: that you HAVE a fever, that you ARE tired, that you HAVE two new friends, or that you ARE in love, for instance.
“Du LERNST Deutsch? Cool, ich LIEBE diese Sprache!” [“You’re LEARNING German? Awesome – I LOVE that language!”] The verb is at the heart of any sentence. Put it at the heart of your sentences, too, with the help of our teacher! As always, directly from a classroom in our language school in the heart of Vienna!
“Was machst du heute mit deinen Freunden?” [“What are you doing with your friends today?”] “Wir gehen am Abend ins Kino.” [“We’re going to the cinema this evening.”] In order to be able to talk to people, you have to be able to ask QUESTIONS and give ANSWERS. It’s not difficult – our teacher will show you how.
DER Löffel (the spoon), DIE Gabel (the fork) and DAS Messer (the knife). We’re all too aware that ARTICLES in German can be tricky!
“Siehst du DEN MANN dort, der durch DEN PARK geht?” [“Can you see the man over there, walking through the park?”] The ACCUSATIVE is a case in German grammar, and an important one at that.
“UNSERE Lehrerin kennst du ja schon, sie versucht, dir dabei zu helfen, DEIN Deutsch zu verbessern.” [“You already know OUR teacher, who is trying to help you improve YOUR German.”] Und die POSSESSIVE ARTICLES are an important part of the German language, as they indicate to whom something belongs.
EINkaufen [to buy] and VERkaufen [to sell]: one verb is separable, the other isn’t. So you would say, “Ich kaufe Tomaten ein,” [“I’m buying tomatoes”], but “Ich verkaufe Tomaten” [“I’m selling tomatoes”]. Our teacher will explain why this happens, and show you that it’s not all that difficult.
“Ich gebe DEM MANN noch schnell den Brief, dann gehe ich mit DIR ins Kino.” [“I’ll quickly give the man the letter, and then go to the cinema with you.”] In German, the DATIVE case is more important than it is in lots of other languages.
“Wo” (where, in a stationary sense) takes the dative, “Wohin” (where, in the sense of movement) takes the accusative!
“Ich BIN gestern auf einer Party GEWESEN und HABE zu viel GETRUNKEN. Heute geht es mir nicht so gut.” [“I was at a party yesterday and drank too much. I’m not feeling that great today.”]
“Ich BIN gestern auf einer Party GEWESEN und HABE zu viel GETRUNKEN. Heute geht es mir nicht so gut.” [“I was at a party yesterday and drank too much. I’m not feeling that great today.”]
Deutsch mit Sisi – your German class.
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